Saturday 1 March 2008

The last week....

Sunday/ Monday morning:

I stayed up most of the night to watch the Oscars. I thought it was a bit more low key than usual, my fav dresses were Jennifer Garner's and Anne Hathaway's.


Spend the day recovering from staying up all night and done some scrapping - here it is:


Went to Lakeside with Martin and stopped by Artbase to grab some new stash. I got AC Giggles thickers in white and blue and a Making memories spiral journal. Here's a pic:


Went to Norfolk to visit Martin's family. We had a lovely day seeing everyone.


Today I got a cold come out on me which wasn't great timing as we were off to see The Sound of Music . I loved the show and thought the 'new Maria' Summer Strallen was fantastic.

Spent the day relaxing with Martin and catching up on Thursday night TV (I love Ashes to Ashes - Love u Gene xxx)


Martin went back to work so I spent the morning cleaning the house and then this afternoon I watched Elizabethtown. What a fantastic film, Orlando Bloom is soooo lush. Also feel much better today xxx

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