Wednesday 23 April 2008

New Scrapbooking sites

I've found some great new scrapbooking sites this week.

The first is called 'The Scrapbooker's Club House'. I registered, uploaded some of my work and the next day I got awarded 'Kudos of the day' (which means the best LO uploaded that day) which made me feel so good. The people are so friendly and praising, I feel really lucky to have found this site. I've also entered a sketch contest on their Blog so fingers crossed for that. Check it out at :

The other great site I've found this week is called 'Addicted Scrappers'. Ive entered a contest on the site too called ' Last Scrap Addict Contest'. It is a knock-out contest over 10 weeks where the winner will be the last scrapper standing. There are 16 people competing including myself and we all made it through week 1. Week 2's challenge is a sketch so fingers crossed I make it through as 2 people will be eliminated this week. So it's time to get my thinking cap on for this one. Check it out here:

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