Sunday 14 September 2008

Inkadink - first challenge!!!!

I'm so pleased to share that the first challenge is up and running on the Inkadink Blog so here it is:

'Here's the deal: Make a LO about YOU. It can be anything- your favorites, why you scrapbook, your haircolor, ANYTHING! We just want to see you in the page, and get to know you better!
The challenge will run from now until the 30th of September. We'll announce the winner of the challenge and our autumn inspired RAK on the 1st of October, right here on our blog! Put your layout in the IDD Gallery, or post a link to your LO in this topic to be considered for the winning RAK. Get to it girlies! We want to know all about YOU!'

Here's my Lo:-

So come on over to Inkadink and show us your layouts for a chance to win a fantastic RAK. See you there..........

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty BOM! Lovin' the colors and that felt trim! :)
