Friday 31 October 2008

Sugar N Spice cybercrop

I'm going to be spending this weekend at the Sugar N Spice Cybercrop ( ). There's going to be loads of fun challenges and one lucky winner will get to be the December guest DT member. See you there......

Thursday 30 October 2008

Halloween RAK

Jenn, is giving away a lovely Halloween Rak over at her Blog. So please go check it out (here's a photo of her RAK).......

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Card challenge at Inkadink....

Andrea challenged us to make a spooky Halloween card for the next challenge on the Inkadink Forum ( , here's my card:

So if you get a chance come on over and have a go - we'd love to chat with you....... :)

Monday 20 October 2008

Stash from USA...

I finally got round to taking some photo's of my stash I brought from America, here it all is:-

Monday 13 October 2008

Edward V Jacob

I'm loving the Twilight books so much. I've read 'Twilight' and read the whole of 'New Moon' yesterday, they are so good but now I have one problem I'm not sure if I am




What do you think?? lol xx

{Edit: After reading all the books I'm definatly 'Team Switzerland' lol :) }

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Inkadink Challenge 2 and Forum!!!!!

For the next challenge at Inkadink, Andrea gave me the honor of thinking up a topic so here it is, we would like you to design a TRAVEL inspired layout. It can be anything from your favourite vacation spot, a fun road trip or a special day out with the family. Anything you want so share with us. You have until the 15th October to get your designs in. So come on over and have a go. Here's my take:

Also some very exciting news Andrea has decided to open a Inkadink Forum here: so go on over and register to become one of our first members!!! Can't wait to see you there, it's going to be so much fun xxx

Time to catch up....

So we got back from a fantastic 10 day trip to the states last Thursday, we went to Kennebunkport which is a small coastal town in Maine (President Bush Senior has his summer home there). We had a brilliant time going out for days to Boston, Salem MA and Freeport ME.

We stayed at a B+B called the Green Heron Inn which was stunning, the Innkeepers Dan and Tony made us feel so at home and we have to thank Tony for the yummy breakfasts and afternoon cookies and treats. We will definatly go back again.

So here are some photos:

I'll add some more soon and some pic's of all my new stash :) TFL xxx

Saturday 4 October 2008

Back home...

We are back from our Holiday to the States and I promise to update ASAP (with photo's). xxx