Wednesday 8 October 2008

Inkadink Challenge 2 and Forum!!!!!

For the next challenge at Inkadink, Andrea gave me the honor of thinking up a topic so here it is, we would like you to design a TRAVEL inspired layout. It can be anything from your favourite vacation spot, a fun road trip or a special day out with the family. Anything you want so share with us. You have until the 15th October to get your designs in. So come on over and have a go. Here's my take:

Also some very exciting news Andrea has decided to open a Inkadink Forum here: so go on over and register to become one of our first members!!! Can't wait to see you there, it's going to be so much fun xxx

1 comment:

  1. ooh wow, great page! Love the photos and the Love Elsie paper. Fun!
