Saturday 8 November 2008

Inkadink November Challenge

For the next challenge at Inkadink, we had to design a 'Autumn Inspired Altered Project'. We had to use at least 3 autumn colours and 2 photo's or images on the project.
Here's my project:

I altered a wooden letter 'K'.
Head on over to Inkadink to see the other DT members fantastic projects and have a go at the challenge.(


  1. how fun! such a beautiful job! :)


  2. That's lovely alpha Karen!
    Thanks for picking me and i really love the way you chose the designer from around the globe :D

    My blog is under maintenance right now but will update on it by tomorrow :D

  3. Hiya Karen! :D I was just stopping to you let you know that the first challenge at Well... Scrap about it! is up and running! :D

    What a great altered letter!

