Tuesday 16 December 2008

3 day's till Twilight.....

Only 3 days left till Twilight hit's the cinema's of the UK. I've booked my tickets for the 11.20am first ever showing at my local cinema - can't wait!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl!

    I was just stopping by to let you know

    Today is the last day to enter Challenge Number 1 at 'Well... Scrap About It'.
    Dont forget that there is a PRIZE!!

    Please add yourself to the flickr group (http://flickr.com/groups/wsai/) to upload your pictures so we can all see each other's creations all at once. You can get there by clicking the "Gallery" button in the upper-right corner of the screen (on the blog), below the header.
    *If you do not add yourself, please know that we will put your creation up there so that we can look at them all at once for the final picking :D

    Thank you!
