Tuesday 2 December 2008

Butterfly Crafts - First Challenge

I posted to first challenge over at 'Butterfly Crafts' yesterday. Here it is:-

The first challenge at ‘Butterfly Crafts’ will be to create a lay-out about a person or the people who inspire you. Whether it be a family member, friend or someone you have never met.
You have until Dec 30th to either upload your lay-out to our gallery, leave us a comment with a link or e-mail your lay-out to butterflycrafts1@aol.com . The designer of the winning lay-out of the month will become our 'guest designer' for January - so please come play along.....

So go check it out and also see the wonderful lay-outs from the DT http://butterfly-crafts.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Karen! Just dropping by! =)

    Ooooh, what yummy papers! I'm drooling over the new Sassafrass!

