Saturday 13 December 2008

Twilight Quiz...

I went to my local Waterstone's book shop today as they had a Twilight Quiz to celebrate the movie release next Friday. We had to answer 12 questions and the winner would get a signed copy of Breaking Dawn. Most of the quiz was easy but one question ' What age was Bella's Mum when she Married Charlie?' had me a bit confused first I put 17 then I changed it to 19 (it was a multi - choice quiz) as I thought it was after she finished high school, but the answer was 17 so I got 11/12 and didn't win :(. I did however win a Bag, badges and a Team Edward keyring so was definatly worth going.

Also there is another competition to win cinema tickets to see the film, you have to design something creative to do with Twilight, so think I feel a scrapbook LO coming on lol.........

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