Sunday 25 January 2009

Sunday Fav's.....

Sorry I'm two day's late with my fav's for this week, I can blame fav #1 for everything lol......

1. The Host - Stephenie Meyer
After reading and being obsessed with all the Twilight books, I wasn't sure if I would like 'The Host' as I'm not a sci-fi fan at all but I was so wrong lol. For the last two days I haven't been able to put this book down, every sec I got my head was stuck in this book. I would highly recommend it to everyone xxx

2. New seasons of my fav TV shows

This week the new seasons of 24, Lost and Gossip Girl started and I am loving them all.

3. CHA previews

I'm loving seeing all the new yummy scrapping products that will be with us soon. Can't wait for the prima flowers and the new sassafrass lines.

Karen xx

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