Wednesday 4 March 2009

Butterfly Crafts Challenge 7 - DT contest

Here is the Butterfly Crafts next Challenge:

Create a lay-out using a favourite book as inspiration. Whether it be the title, cover photo, or colours - anything that inspires you. (Please let us know what book you have chosen.)

Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to by 30th Mar.

This month we have a very special prize for the winner of our months challenges, a DT position!!!!! One of our DT member has had to leave us so we have an open spot and thought it would be a fun idea to give it away as this months prize.... This is how it will work - from all the lay-out we receive for the March challenges I will pick my fav 3 and then the DT will vote for their fav and the top Lay-out will win the DT position (for 3 months Apr- Jun 09)!!! We will also randomly pick a runner up who will become our April GD. Makes sense??? (If not please give us a shout.)

Make sure you come play along!!!! Here is my Lay-out, based on the book PS, I love you:

Karen xxx

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