Thursday 10 December 2009

1st Challenge at The Sampler....

The Sampler kit club has issued their first challenge today and here is the topic:

For The Sampler's 1st official challenge we want to see your layouts with FIVE OR MORE PHOTOS on a single page! You have from today through December 25th, 2009 to post the links to your layouts here in the comment section and win some goodies from our debut kit and add-on!

Here is my example:

Go check out the rest of the DT's fantastic examples here and we hope you will play along and try to win some gorgeous goodies .....


  1. Love it Karen! I really love how all the pics are 'lined' with the circle alpha stickers with their titles and I love the punched book paper too!!

  2. Love the layout Karen!

    Pidgeon Fordge is REALLY close to me here at school! (At home in Nashville not so much) But no, i've never been to the super store. I've only been out that area a few times to go camping and stay in a cabin, so I've never really had the opportunity. But I'm sure I'll drag my boyfriend out that way soon enough. :)
