Sunday 10 January 2010

The Sampler - Challenge 3....

The 3rd Challenge from 'The Sampler' is to:

As the new year gets going, a lot of us or setting our goals for 2010 and we want this year to make a big impact! Thinking of that, we challenge you to use your resolutions, or UNresolutions (if you're not into that) on a layout, journal or, well, anything!

This month's winner will receive a generous helping from January's Sampler! Be sure to leave us a link to your blog/facebook/gallery/where ever you have posted your entry for this challenge on or before Friday, February 5th, 2010!

Here is my example, decided to alter a notebook to go with my New Year's resolution which is to write a book. I have always dreamt of writing my our book and this year I've decided to give it a go, so I made this notebook to go in my purse to write down any ideas I may have when I'm out and about:

We hope you with come play along here........

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