Wednesday 3 February 2010

New TV Season.....

I am loving the new TV season at the moment. We are a bit behind in the UK and have only just got some shows that have been on for ages in the US. My New Fav's are:-


I love Glee so much!!!! Kurt is so great and I really love Rachel - I was Rachel at school lol.

The Vampire Diaries

How yummy are these Vampires!!!

And some of my fav's are back:-

Season 6 - Still lovin McDreamy and McSteamy!!!

American Idol

Loving the Auditions....


Looking forward to the last season which starts Friday.....

I'm also loving - 24, Desperate Housewives, America's next top model, Keeping up with the Kardashians and many more - I'm such a TV addict lol.

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