Wednesday 3 March 2010

We finally have TV again....

On Saturday I got up to find the Sky box wasn't working, it had a message saying 'No satellite signal is being received'. We had this happen about 5 yrs back and when we had an engineer out he said that message appears when the box has died!!!

So I waited until my Hubby got home from work to call Sky as it is in his name and they are really funny about that. So when he called them we went through the usual test, unplug it, take the card out, plug it in again (which I had already done about 5 times lol). They then said they can send an engineer out for £65 so we said no as we were pretty sure the box was just totally died. So my Hubby said how much to upgrade to Sky+, they said £99 for the box and £65 to install it!!!! We couldn't believe it as if you're a new customer you get a free box. So hubby said put me through to cancellation then. So to cut a long story short after talking to cancellations for about a second they offered him a free box and free installation :) just shows it pays to threaten to cancel.

The only problem was they couldn't come out to change the box until today (Wednesday) so I have spent the last few days without TV. I know it wouldn't worry most people but I am a TV addict lol and I had to miss all my fav programmes :( lol.

But I am now the proud owner of this little beauty :

It's a Sky+HD box, we only had a standard Sky box before. So now we can record and pause TV - it's heaven lol


  1. Ooooweeee Karen! We have one of those and you are going to love it! Congrats on your new edition!!

  2. Enjoy. Lurve my Sky HD box - only problem I need to watch some stuff as its nearly full! Our box gave up the ghost in under a year but they simply replaced it - but I didn't have enough time to watch what was on it.

  3. Enjoy. Lurve my Sky HD box - only problem I need to watch some stuff as its nearly full! Our box gave up the ghost in under a year but they simply replaced it - but I didn't have enough time to watch what was on it.

  4. life with out a DVR is unlivable. when i go to visit my mom in houston, i will be watching her tv and get utterly confused and flustered that i cant rewind the show! angry. i dont think i've even watched live tv in like 4 years. too much trouble if i can fast forward through commercials...
