Monday 26 April 2010

Nerdy Victorious Scrapbookers.....

I found this great challenge blog called Nerdy Victorious Scrapbookers a while back and have been wanting to try a challenge for ages but I kept missing the deadline, so this month I definatly wanted to give it a try. Each month Lynnette sets a college challenge, here is this months:
And here is my take:

This month they are sponsored by a fantastic new site called Snobby Walrus, here is what you could win:

SO check out Nerdy Victorious and thanks for looking.....


  1. I love the colors you used. Beautiful!

  2. love your interpretation!! looks like a fun challenge site- I will have to check it out!! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
    xoxo~ Zoa

  3. Love all of the colors on your page!

  4. Gorgeous LO Karen ! Long time no see hehehe ! Thanks for joining in this month !

  5. Hey I know you!!!! LOL. Glad to see you, I love your blog. Much more personal! XOXO michelle

  6. That is such a great layout!! I love Alice in Wonderland!!!
