Friday 9 January 2009

Friday Fav's......

With a new year brings new goals and one I'm trying to follow is to blog more!! So with that in mind, I have stolen an idea from some of my blogging friends and decided to introduce 'Friday Fav's' (my top five things of the week) so here goes:

1: Gossip Girl
I started to watch this show when it was on tv last summer, but missed a few episodes and got a bit lost. I decided to give it another try before the news season airs later this month, so I ask Martin for the box set for Xmas. I have send the last few days working my way through the discs and I must admit now I love the show and can't wait for season 2...... xoxo

2 : Taylor get to play Jacob in New Moon

As you can tell from my blog I love Twilight (I had you fooled didn't I lol) and am a proud member of Team Jacob (I love Edward too, but there's just something about Jacob). So I was so excited to hear that Summit have decided to keep Taylor as Jacob for New Moon. Yay!!!!

3: Anne Frank

This week the BBC have been showing a new adaptation of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and it has been fantastic. Young actress Ellie Kendrick is fantastic as Anne.

4: Mini Eggs

When I went food shopping this week, I knew Christmas was truly over as the Easter eggs were out already!!! I do love Mini eggs though and a packet fell into my trolley lol.....

5: Sorting my Stash

Martin got me some 'really useful storage boxes' for Christmas and I have had great fun sorting out my stash (finding things I forgot I had) and becoming more organised.....
Karen xxx


  1. Top idea Karen !
    I love GG too. We are up to season 2 here, and it's awesome !


  2. those storage boxes looks pretty neat. i should prob invest in some myself, hehe! :)


  3. Hey Karen, me again... there's an award for you on my blog !

