Sunday 4 January 2009

Some recent Lay-out's.....

Here are a few new lay-out's to share:

Also it's 3rd challenge time over at Butterfly crafts. Here is the topic:

For our next challenge, we want you to look back at 2008 and create a lay-out about your favourite memory/memories of the year. What will you remember about 2008 when you think back in years to come?
Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to by 30th Jan to be in with a chance of becoming our February guest designer and this month the winner will also receive a fantastic RAK from our January Sponsor
'Red Oak Lines' which is the Esty shop of our very own DT member Sarah - Thanks Sarah xx

Here is my lay-out - 2008 Travel:

Journalling says: When I look back on 2008 I will remember the places we visited. In Jan we went to Amsterdam - Holland. In Aug when the sun shone we went to Brussels - Belgium and finally in Sep we went back to Boston and New England - USA.

We hope you will come play along with us, this month not only will the winner be Feb Guest designer but they will also receive a fantastic RAK from our Jan sponsor Red Oak Lines!!!!

Karen xxx


  1. hey karen,

    thanks for letting me sponsor you guys!

    also, i'm loving all of those layouts! i've been to the salem museum! how'd you like it?!


  2. Fab layouts Karen !
    Happy New Year !!!

