Saturday 3 January 2009

Happy New Year.....

Hi everyone - Happy New Year to you!!!!

Here are my goals for 2009:
  • I want to learn to speak French
  • I want to lose at least a stone in weight
  • I want to take more Photo's
  • I want to read more classic books (Austen,Dickens,Bronte etc)
  • I want to keep up to date with the ironing (don't know how long that will last lol)
  • I want to spend more time with my Family and Friends, doing fun things
So that's some of my goals, I'm sure I will think of more as the year goes on lol.

I had a lovely Christmas, Martin was on call for work but we were lucky as he didn't have to go in so we had 5 days together. We spent Christmas and Boxing day at my Parents house. Here are some photo's:

Me with some of my storage boxes Martin got me (I think he wants me to sort out my stash lol)

Me and Martin (he always shuts his eyes lol)

Mum and Dad

Christmas Table

Mum and Me

Kirsty playing Wii

Dad and Kirsty

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a lot of fun! ... and i ended up playing the wii too! hehe.

