Saturday 31 January 2009

Saturday Fav's.......

Here are my fav things from this week......

1) Change of Heart - Jodi Picoult

This week I've started reading the newest Jodi Picoult book, I am a massive fan of all her books and this one is just as engrossing. It tells the story of June, who's Husband and Daughter where murdered and the killer was sentenced to the death penalty. But when her other Daughter needs a heart transplant, will she be willing to accept the heart of the killer to save her daughters life. I would highly recommend this one......

2) Ugly Betty - Season 2

I got the box set of season 2 for Christmas and finally got round to watching it this week. I love Betty she is so cute and I have a little weird crush on Henry lol.........

3) Taylor Swift

I am such a big fan of Taylor Swift, I love her songs and think she is such a lovely person. I got her first album when we went to Tennessee in 2007 and her 2nd album imported for Christmas. She is releasing her album in the UK in March so I hope she does really well over here too.....

Karen xx

1 comment:

  1. o0o0o0 fun favs!! :)

    and i used to watch ugly betty, but i haven't in a long time! is it still a pretty good show?

