Saturday 7 February 2009

Butterfly Crafts - Challenge 5....

For this challenge I would like you to create a Lay-out about a 'guilty pleasure'. Something you love but might be embarrassed to admit.

Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to by 27th Feb to be in with a chance of becoming our March guest designer and this month the winner will also receive a AUS $20 gift Certificate from our February Sponsor 'Hybird Designs Scrapbooking' - Thanks Mel xx

Here is my Lay-out:

Hybird Designs Scrapbooking Survivor contest:

Here is my entry for challenge 3 of the contest. It was to design a OTP using a household item. I decided to give this little doll a make -over Marie Antoinette style:

I also made this Lay-out using a sketch from My sketch World blog:

1 comment:

  1. love your take on the challenge, karen!

    and what a creative way to fix up a doll.

