Tuesday 8 September 2009

How was your weekend???

I had a really lovely weekend. Martin was off Saturday, Sunday and Monday which hardly ever happens so we had a proper weekend together. On Saturday we had a lovely lay in and then walked into town in the afternoon. That evening we went to our friends house for a lovely dinner and catch up.

On Sunday we went to my Parents house for an early Birthday dinner as my Parents are away on holiday and then we are away. They got me this 'Hello Kitty' Birthday cake, but it must have been damaged in the shop so it looked like Hello Kitty had a black eye lol.

On Monday we went to Lakeside (local shopping centre) to try to get some prescripion sunglasses, but couldn't see any I liked so will have to keep looking. It was a really lovely relaxing weekend and the best part was I didn't have to cook dinner once lol xxx

On the scrapping front, I made this LO for the More than scrapbooking September 7th sketch challenge.

If you fancy winning a Bo Bunny paper pack, head on over to More than Scrapbooking and upload your take on the September 7th sketch by 30th September.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! :) Love that hello kitty has a black eye - that will be a fun scrapbook page to make
