Tuesday 1 September 2009


Hi Everyone,

I have been a really bad blogger lately, but I am now going to try to update my blog at least once a week.

Here are a few new lay-out's:

I made this one for the Butterfly Crafts movies cyber crop, my challenge was based on Twilight.

This one is for challenge 19 over at Butterfly Crafts. The challenge is to create a LO about your favourite song. We have a fantastic sponsor this month Scrapmuse who are giving the September winner a $30 USD gift cert - thanks Melissa xxx

We also have our Winter DT call ongoing at the moment so if you would like to be part of our team please come over to Butterfly Crafts for more info.

This one was made for 'More than scrapbooking' their all about me challenge, which was to create a LO about the fashion of the decade you grew up in.

Thanks for looking more coming soon.....

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