Thursday 17 June 2010

I've been MIA.....

I've been MIA for quite a while now, so forgive the long catching up post lol.

So what have I been up to? I finished my DT term at 'The Sampler'. Unfortunately I never received my last kit, it got lost somewhere in the volcanic ash cloud trouble lol, so that was a bit of a let down. I've decided to take a break from DT's for a while as I was starting to suffer from 'scrapper's block' and really want to spend some time scrapping just for me - also I need to start using up my mountain of stash before it gets too old and I don't like using it lol.

I'm still on the XOXO girl's DT until August so here is my June challenge layout:-

Here's how to play along:-

Your challenge, should you choose to except it, is to scraplift one or more of these creations. When you are finished, leave us a comment under this post with DIRECT LINK(S) to your scraplift creations and thank you all in advance for scraplifting us!If your direct link(s) lead to your blog, please make sure you have mentioned: (a) our challenge blog "XOXO" with a link leading back to us (b) our June Sponsor "Divine Design Kits" and (c) the Lipstick Chick(s) you scraplifted. Scraplifts are due by 30 June. The more you scraplift, the better your chances at winning!

Here's this months prize:-

Then in the last week of May my sister had leave from work so we had a lovely few days together. On Wednesday we went to London to see this:-
It was my 3rd time but my Sister's 1st and she loved it. We had fantastic seats and Lee Mead was lush too lol.

Then on the Friday we went to see this:-

I enjoyed it but didn't think it moved the story on at all. I really love Aidan though......

Next my DH and I went on our Holiday to Holland :)

We had a lovely, relaxing time and took some great photo's the only problem was it rained at least once a day so my hair looks crazy in every photo lol. So here are some scenery one's instead (don't want to scare people lol)
I came back to two fantastic e-mails. The first requesting to publish one of my layout's in an upcoming issue of 'Scrapbook Magazine' :)
and the next saying I am having 4 layouts published in the June 20th issue of 'scrapbook news and review'. I'm so excited to get my layout out there and get this great response.

So I'll leave you with one of my latest layout's, the rest I can't show as they are all out for publication - so exciting xxx

Thanks for stopping by, I'm going to try to update every day from now on, but we will see how long that lasts lol ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your days have been very full and bursting with loads of fun. Glad you had a nice time with your sister.
