Friday 3 December 2010

Long time, no see......

Hi Everyone,

Firstly I apologise as it's been so long since my last post, I have had some major computer and internet problems over the last few months so haven't really been able to stay online for longer than a few minutes at a time. It's been a bit of a nightmare lol.

The computer problems are really my fault as I become very engrossed in this years Big Brother and started watching the live feed on the internet, but I watched it for so long I over heated the computer and it died - whoops :(

Then when we finally got a new computer then my internet moderm decided to died. So really I haven't had much luck with technology in the last few months.

On the bright side we went on a lovely holiday to Cape Cod in the US in October and I have had a lot more time to scrap without playing on the internet all day lol.

I've also had two scrapbook layouts published in 'The Scrapbook Magazine' recently which was great.

Anyway that's all for now expect a long post soon with lots of holiday and scrapbook photos. (As at the moment for some reason it will not let me add photos)

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