Saturday 31 January 2009

Saturday Fav's.......

Here are my fav things from this week......

1) Change of Heart - Jodi Picoult

This week I've started reading the newest Jodi Picoult book, I am a massive fan of all her books and this one is just as engrossing. It tells the story of June, who's Husband and Daughter where murdered and the killer was sentenced to the death penalty. But when her other Daughter needs a heart transplant, will she be willing to accept the heart of the killer to save her daughters life. I would highly recommend this one......

2) Ugly Betty - Season 2

I got the box set of season 2 for Christmas and finally got round to watching it this week. I love Betty she is so cute and I have a little weird crush on Henry lol.........

3) Taylor Swift

I am such a big fan of Taylor Swift, I love her songs and think she is such a lovely person. I got her first album when we went to Tennessee in 2007 and her 2nd album imported for Christmas. She is releasing her album in the UK in March so I hope she does really well over here too.....

Karen xx


I'm taking part in a contest over at Hybird Designs called Scrapbook Survivor.

So far we have had 2 challenges, the first to create a LO around a totem pole theme and the 2nd challenge was a recipe challenge. Here are my LO's:

Challenge 1:

Challenge 2:

I'm having a really fun time doing the challenges - so fingers crossed I don't get chucked off the island lol.......

Karen xx

Thursday 29 January 2009


Just to let everyone know Butterfly Crafts now have our own twitter group ( ) so if you use twitter come follow us xx

Sunday 25 January 2009

Sunday Fav's.....

Sorry I'm two day's late with my fav's for this week, I can blame fav #1 for everything lol......

1. The Host - Stephenie Meyer
After reading and being obsessed with all the Twilight books, I wasn't sure if I would like 'The Host' as I'm not a sci-fi fan at all but I was so wrong lol. For the last two days I haven't been able to put this book down, every sec I got my head was stuck in this book. I would highly recommend it to everyone xxx

2. New seasons of my fav TV shows

This week the new seasons of 24, Lost and Gossip Girl started and I am loving them all.

3. CHA previews

I'm loving seeing all the new yummy scrapping products that will be with us soon. Can't wait for the prima flowers and the new sassafrass lines.

Karen xx

Thursday 22 January 2009


I have been Tagged by Ann from Hybird designs to play this fun photo game.

What you do is.

1. navigate to where you keep your pictures, select the 6th folder, and the 6th picture in that folder.

2. Then post it on your blog with an explanation of the story behind the picture

3. tag 6 other people to do the same, and make sure you let them know about it

So here is my picture:-

This is a photo of my Nan Violet. I scanned in this photo to use on a LO I did called 'Wartime Love'.

I'll tag some ladies who's blogs I love to read:







Wednesday 14 January 2009


My fellow 'Butterfly Crafts' DT member Michelle ( has given me this lovely award:

and now I have to pass it on to 7 very talented and creative Bloggers:

Sarah -

Vicki -

Samantha -

Zizi -

Maya -

Mica -

Lizzie -

Karen xx

Friday 9 January 2009

Friday Fav's......

With a new year brings new goals and one I'm trying to follow is to blog more!! So with that in mind, I have stolen an idea from some of my blogging friends and decided to introduce 'Friday Fav's' (my top five things of the week) so here goes:

1: Gossip Girl
I started to watch this show when it was on tv last summer, but missed a few episodes and got a bit lost. I decided to give it another try before the news season airs later this month, so I ask Martin for the box set for Xmas. I have send the last few days working my way through the discs and I must admit now I love the show and can't wait for season 2...... xoxo

2 : Taylor get to play Jacob in New Moon

As you can tell from my blog I love Twilight (I had you fooled didn't I lol) and am a proud member of Team Jacob (I love Edward too, but there's just something about Jacob). So I was so excited to hear that Summit have decided to keep Taylor as Jacob for New Moon. Yay!!!!

3: Anne Frank

This week the BBC have been showing a new adaptation of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and it has been fantastic. Young actress Ellie Kendrick is fantastic as Anne.

4: Mini Eggs

When I went food shopping this week, I knew Christmas was truly over as the Easter eggs were out already!!! I do love Mini eggs though and a packet fell into my trolley lol.....

5: Sorting my Stash

Martin got me some 'really useful storage boxes' for Christmas and I have had great fun sorting out my stash (finding things I forgot I had) and becoming more organised.....
Karen xxx

Sunday 4 January 2009

Some recent Lay-out's.....

Here are a few new lay-out's to share:

Also it's 3rd challenge time over at Butterfly crafts. Here is the topic:

For our next challenge, we want you to look back at 2008 and create a lay-out about your favourite memory/memories of the year. What will you remember about 2008 when you think back in years to come?
Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments or e-mail them to by 30th Jan to be in with a chance of becoming our February guest designer and this month the winner will also receive a fantastic RAK from our January Sponsor
'Red Oak Lines' which is the Esty shop of our very own DT member Sarah - Thanks Sarah xx

Here is my lay-out - 2008 Travel:

Journalling says: When I look back on 2008 I will remember the places we visited. In Jan we went to Amsterdam - Holland. In Aug when the sun shone we went to Brussels - Belgium and finally in Sep we went back to Boston and New England - USA.

We hope you will come play along with us, this month not only will the winner be Feb Guest designer but they will also receive a fantastic RAK from our Jan sponsor Red Oak Lines!!!!

Karen xxx

Saturday 3 January 2009

Happy New Year.....

Hi everyone - Happy New Year to you!!!!

Here are my goals for 2009:
  • I want to learn to speak French
  • I want to lose at least a stone in weight
  • I want to take more Photo's
  • I want to read more classic books (Austen,Dickens,Bronte etc)
  • I want to keep up to date with the ironing (don't know how long that will last lol)
  • I want to spend more time with my Family and Friends, doing fun things
So that's some of my goals, I'm sure I will think of more as the year goes on lol.

I had a lovely Christmas, Martin was on call for work but we were lucky as he didn't have to go in so we had 5 days together. We spent Christmas and Boxing day at my Parents house. Here are some photo's:

Me with some of my storage boxes Martin got me (I think he wants me to sort out my stash lol)

Me and Martin (he always shuts his eyes lol)

Mum and Dad

Christmas Table

Mum and Me

Kirsty playing Wii

Dad and Kirsty