Wednesday 24 December 2008

Happy Holidays!!!!

I just wanted to wish all my friends and visitors Happy Holidays!!! I hope you all have a fantastic, relaxing and happy Holiday.

I'll be spending my day with my family, eating too much and playing my parents new Wii lol. Wish me luck it gets a bit competitve lol........

Karen xxx

Sunday 21 December 2008

The wait is finally over......

I saw Twilight first thing Friday morning and surprise, surprise I LOVED it lol!!!! (The biggest surprise of all my Husband liked it too lol) I also now have an even bigger crush on Mr Pattinson!!!

I got my Sister to read the books and she is now addicted too. She also loved the film, so we are going to go see it again after Christmas without our Husbands so we can both swoon over Robert lol!!!

Can't wait for New Moon now (as long as Taylor still gets to play Jacob) xxx

Tuesday 16 December 2008

3 day's till Twilight.....

Only 3 days left till Twilight hit's the cinema's of the UK. I've booked my tickets for the 11.20am first ever showing at my local cinema - can't wait!!!!!!

Twilight contest Lay-out....

Here is the lay-out I made for the twilight contest, I mentioned on a previous post:

Thanks For Looking - Karen xx

Monday 15 December 2008

Butterfly Crafts - 2nd Challenge

This month is going by so it's the 15th and time to issue our 2nd challenge at 'Butterfly Crafts'. So here it is:

With the Holidays coming up, the next challenge is to create a lay-out about your favourite Holiday tradition. It can be any Holiday you celebrate and any tradition you like.

Please upload your LO's to our gallery, leave us a link in the comments on our blog or e-mail them to by 30th Dec to be in with a chance of becoming our January guest designer.We look forward to seeing your creations.....

Saturday 13 December 2008

Twilight Quiz...

I went to my local Waterstone's book shop today as they had a Twilight Quiz to celebrate the movie release next Friday. We had to answer 12 questions and the winner would get a signed copy of Breaking Dawn. Most of the quiz was easy but one question ' What age was Bella's Mum when she Married Charlie?' had me a bit confused first I put 17 then I changed it to 19 (it was a multi - choice quiz) as I thought it was after she finished high school, but the answer was 17 so I got 11/12 and didn't win :(. I did however win a Bag, badges and a Team Edward keyring so was definatly worth going.

Also there is another competition to win cinema tickets to see the film, you have to design something creative to do with Twilight, so think I feel a scrapbook LO coming on lol.........

Sunday 7 December 2008

Christmas Journal...

I've decided to complete a Christmas journal this year, to capture the fun of the season. So far I've only managed to completed the front cover, so here it is:

I've been taking photo's everyday and can't wait to share more pages with you - so check back soon.........

Saturday 6 December 2008


I just saw this on Twilight Lexicon - it's so funny lol. Hope you like it....

Karen xx

Thursday 4 December 2008


Just a quick post, it was the UK premiere of Twilight last night!!! Can't wait till the 19th to see the film.....

So anyway just wanted to share a yummy photo of Rob Pattinson.........


Tuesday 2 December 2008

Butterfly Crafts - First Challenge

I posted to first challenge over at 'Butterfly Crafts' yesterday. Here it is:-

The first challenge at ‘Butterfly Crafts’ will be to create a lay-out about a person or the people who inspire you. Whether it be a family member, friend or someone you have never met.
You have until Dec 30th to either upload your lay-out to our gallery, leave us a comment with a link or e-mail your lay-out to . The designer of the winning lay-out of the month will become our 'guest designer' for January - so please come play along.....

So go check it out and also see the wonderful lay-outs from the DT

Saturday 29 November 2008

Mod Scraps order....

I brought some yummy new papers from Mod Scraps ( and they were here the next day - what a great service!!! - Thanks!!! xxx

Saturday 8 November 2008

Inkadink November Challenge

For the next challenge at Inkadink, we had to design a 'Autumn Inspired Altered Project'. We had to use at least 3 autumn colours and 2 photo's or images on the project.
Here's my project:

I altered a wooden letter 'K'.
Head on over to Inkadink to see the other DT members fantastic projects and have a go at the challenge.(


Just a quick reminder, the DT call over at Butterfly Crafts ( closes on Nov 16th!! So you haven't got that long left - please be brave and throw your hat in the ring......

Please send applications to

I look forward to seeing them.

Karen xx

Monday 3 November 2008


The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you Audrey (
2. Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading).
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up!

Here are six random things about me:
1) I wear English size 6.5 shoes (American size 9.5 - European size 39.5).
2) I have 1 Sister, named Kirsty.
3) I got married on September 24th 2005, which was also my 24th Birthday.
4) My favourite animal is a Penguin
5) I have Brown eye's
6) My favourite TV show ever is Dawson's Creek

The six people I am tagging are:

Lizzie -
Helen -
Sue -
Nina -
Nikki -
Sarah -

Friday 31 October 2008

Sugar N Spice cybercrop

I'm going to be spending this weekend at the Sugar N Spice Cybercrop ( ). There's going to be loads of fun challenges and one lucky winner will get to be the December guest DT member. See you there......

Thursday 30 October 2008

Halloween RAK

Jenn, is giving away a lovely Halloween Rak over at her Blog. So please go check it out (here's a photo of her RAK).......

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Card challenge at Inkadink....

Andrea challenged us to make a spooky Halloween card for the next challenge on the Inkadink Forum ( , here's my card:

So if you get a chance come on over and have a go - we'd love to chat with you....... :)

Monday 20 October 2008

Stash from USA...

I finally got round to taking some photo's of my stash I brought from America, here it all is:-

Monday 13 October 2008

Edward V Jacob

I'm loving the Twilight books so much. I've read 'Twilight' and read the whole of 'New Moon' yesterday, they are so good but now I have one problem I'm not sure if I am




What do you think?? lol xx

{Edit: After reading all the books I'm definatly 'Team Switzerland' lol :) }

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Inkadink Challenge 2 and Forum!!!!!

For the next challenge at Inkadink, Andrea gave me the honor of thinking up a topic so here it is, we would like you to design a TRAVEL inspired layout. It can be anything from your favourite vacation spot, a fun road trip or a special day out with the family. Anything you want so share with us. You have until the 15th October to get your designs in. So come on over and have a go. Here's my take:

Also some very exciting news Andrea has decided to open a Inkadink Forum here: so go on over and register to become one of our first members!!! Can't wait to see you there, it's going to be so much fun xxx

Time to catch up....

So we got back from a fantastic 10 day trip to the states last Thursday, we went to Kennebunkport which is a small coastal town in Maine (President Bush Senior has his summer home there). We had a brilliant time going out for days to Boston, Salem MA and Freeport ME.

We stayed at a B+B called the Green Heron Inn which was stunning, the Innkeepers Dan and Tony made us feel so at home and we have to thank Tony for the yummy breakfasts and afternoon cookies and treats. We will definatly go back again.

So here are some photos:

I'll add some more soon and some pic's of all my new stash :) TFL xxx

Saturday 4 October 2008

Back home...

We are back from our Holiday to the States and I promise to update ASAP (with photo's). xxx

Tuesday 16 September 2008


I know I'm really behind the times, but I started reading the twilight series this week. I must admit (what I was told by everyone who's read them) I can not put it down. I'm trying not to read the first book too quickly as I really want to save it to read on the plane when I go on holiday. I'm not sure if that's going to happen lol.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Inkadink - first challenge!!!!

I'm so pleased to share that the first challenge is up and running on the Inkadink Blog so here it is:

'Here's the deal: Make a LO about YOU. It can be anything- your favorites, why you scrapbook, your haircolor, ANYTHING! We just want to see you in the page, and get to know you better!
The challenge will run from now until the 30th of September. We'll announce the winner of the challenge and our autumn inspired RAK on the 1st of October, right here on our blog! Put your layout in the IDD Gallery, or post a link to your LO in this topic to be considered for the winning RAK. Get to it girlies! We want to know all about YOU!'

Here's my Lo:-

So come on over to Inkadink and show us your layouts for a chance to win a fantastic RAK. See you there..........

Monday 8 September 2008

New Layout and DT news

Here is a new Lo I made over the weekend:-

I had loads of photos from the trip to Amsterdam we made in January, so I decided to make a multi-photo layout. TFL xx

I'm so excited for the 15th Sep for the first challenge to be posted at 'Inkadink designs'. The DT have been busy doing our Lo's and Andrea will be posting sneek peeks of them leading up to the first challenge reveal, the sneek peek of my Lo is already up so check it out here and make sure you head back on the 15th Sep for the first challenge and a chance to win an amazing RAK from Basic grey and 7 gypsies. xx

Thursday 4 September 2008

I can now reveal....

I've been picked to be on a DT for a new challenge blog called 'inkadink' I'm so excited as Andrea has also asked me to be 'Assistant DT Coordinator' so I get to help think up challenges and post on the blog. It's going to be really fun and friendly, the first challenge starts on Sep 15th so come along and check us out!!!!

Friday 29 August 2008

Watch this space....

I have had some fantastic news today!!!! I can't wait to share it with everyone but I'll have to wait a few more days, so watch this space.......

I've enrolled in:

Can't wait for classes to begin...... xxx

Thursday 28 August 2008


I'm excited because soon I will be on vacation in the USA. We are going back to Kennebunkport Maine where we went on our Honeymoon back in 2005. It with also be my 27th Birthday and our 3rd wedding anniversary while we are away so it makes it even more special.
I love to travel and especially love going to the airport (sad I know lol). I just can't help it, I love the place.

I'm also excited about picking up some more new stash at half the price we pay over here - heaven!!!!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Back from Belgium...

We got back from Belgium late Sunday night, we had a fantastic weekend. We went on a coach trip with Martin's work, we drove down to Dover and crossed over to France on the ferry and then drove on to Brussels in Belgium.

We visited Mannekin Pis, Grand Place, the Atomium and mini Europe. We also spent Sunday morning in Gent. Here are some pic's: